For a couple of years now, we have been talking about going to Deckerville, Michigan where our friend Scott is from. It finally worked out to take a road trip with Scott, Katie, Richard and Jessa during the Labor Day Holiday Weekend. These are some of our best friends in NYC, they are like family and we are so blessed to share our lives with them. We definitely missed that Brett and Erin couldn't make it, so maybe we'll have to do a take two of this trip in the future!

We rented a mini-van and left NYC on Thursday evening, arriving in Deckerville by Friday Morning. Check out that cotton candy sunrise. Here are a couple shots of where we stayed. How lovely, right?

McVittie's. I loved this sign that used to be on Scott's family's farm. We chopped wood, watched College Football, made s'mores, learned how to make "dowelies" and then ate lots of dowelies. (Crescent roll, wrapped around a Dowel, cooked over the fire, and then stuffed with a breakfast sausage and cheese!) Basically, we made as many meals as possible over the open-fire.
We shot guns, shot bows and arrows, hung out in the pool, played golf, went to Lake Huron, star gazed and visited the dairy farm that is adjacent to Scott's family's land, and used to be his family.

Chopping Wood

Katie and Tessa


Bulls Eye!

Golf Outing

Nice Form!

Such a pro!

Our team, we came in 2nd by 2 shots!

The New Yorkers

By Lake Huron

Cooooolllllddd water!

Emoji pose :)

On our way to Deckerville, we told our friends that I was 8 weeks pregnant!

Headed to the Dairy Farm next door.


Sweet calves!

Momma Cow and baby calf just born!

The gals, poolside :)

One of these is not like the other... Why am I eating my sandwich instead of corn? Hah!

I am so grateful for the time to just rest, to slow down, to appreciate having no agenda and to have a little respite from the hustle and bustle of NYC. It's always nice to get a away for a little while both to experience something new, and to appreciate the energy of the City when you get back! It was the absolute perfect farewell to summer!
Loved re-living this!!!! :)